WEV Stories

"I am so thankful for WEV’s guidance in the process of fulfilling my dream. WEV is family; WEV is empowerment; WEV is the engine to build a better future."

Martha Cantos, Ecugreen

WEV Stories

"WEV taught me how to track spending, create budgets, network, and how to be professional. I started to feel like a real businesswoman, instead of just a lady with an idea...I became part of a large community of women who were focused on helping and supporting one another."

Lizzy Lewis, Simple Wealth

WEV Stories

"WEV has been a godsend . Though I've always understood our numbers as a business, I never created a business plan. I just launched. We finally have a business plan and are working on a more in-depth profile of our business in the event we ever need funding in the future. This mentorship is remarkable."

Nicole Facciuto & Eric Hargrove, Corky's Nuts

WEV Stories

"WEV is invested in not just me as an entrepreneur, but also in me as a person. It symbolizes a holistic compassion and dedication to growing and nurturing the full spectrum of a person."

Jill Agonias, Sol Seek Yoga
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Explore Entrepreneurship

Explore your business idea and your personal readiness to start a business. In English.

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Smart Entrepreneurial Training (SET)

WEV’s most comprehensive course helps you launch or grow your business with a detailed business plan. In English.

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Business Consulting

Connect with expert consultants for one-on-one support with a specific business issue.

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Streamlined Loans

Discover how WEV’s business loans of up to $10,000 can help grow your business, with limited paperwork and fast turnaround.

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Community Meetups

Make connections and build your networking skills at WEV’s Networking Events.